Friday, February 02, 2007

The Man Gets Even With Chico

"I must end it. There's no hope left. I'll be at peace. No one had anything to do with this. My decision totally."

Freddie Prinze
(June 22, 1954 - January 29, 1977) Star Of The T.V. Series "Chico And The Man"

"In the last episode to star Prinze, which was filmed just hours before he shot himself -- ironically titled Ed Talks to God -- there are many scenes in which Prinze appears to be "out of it," although it has also been said that he was always sober while on the job." From:

Police, of course, do not suspect foul play. Yeah, well, who owns the police? More of The Man's dirty tricks I'm afraid. The real Chico was kidnapped early on in the show, and replaced with a skinny body double. Then, they slowly drove the body double mad with forced feeding of alcohol and drugs. Finally, the man broke after so much stress. I don't buy that he offed himself, not for one minute. He had waaay to much to live for.

But, if he did, then why was he so selfish? Why not finish off the series, or at least suggest that make an episode with a decent character closing. No, instead everyone acts awkward and says "Chico has to go away on a trip" whenever it is asked where Chico is. A long, long, long trip out of town.

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