Thursday, February 02, 2006


All over, I see people from a variety of religions and beliefs preaching that there's is the best way too get closer too god, closer to the whole of everything. That is, if we choose to define god as the infinity of the universe.

But, it seems that many people are making the same mistakes (or perhaps not). Everyone must walk their own path. Truth has been fragmented up into various philosophies, outlooks on life, but they all lead too the same place sooner or later.

Some ways are more direct, and this can lead people to believe that this is the best way, but it is not best for everyone. Some people would prefer the scenic route. One belief would intrepet something as a waste of time, another would see it as paramount to going a step further. It is important to watch where we draw our lines in the sand, and too remember that they are nothing more than lines in the sand.

So, even though we can't say our truth is the truth for everyone, we still impose it upon them. Our philosophy, our own personal truth, is our outlook, and we live that truth. Imposing this on others through action cannot always be avoided, and it could well be that the only way to avoid imposing yourself on others in one way or another is to return to the void of nothingness.

Just something to keep in mind :)

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