Friday, November 11, 2005

Society, and repression of instinct

Heres an article I wrote for Xophan Awhile back

There is a certain freedom in which comes from letting go from everything. Rationality included. Our society is hopelessly attached to rationality and just cause, to the point where we have no artistic soul. There is no emotion in our culture, our buildings, our life, it is all just mass manufactured crap. We seek only to please the left brain, is right sits rotting in the gutter. We only care about bringing home the paycheck, and gratify our emotions through consumer goods, rather trying to actually sating our desires. Our emotional mind is crying out for attention. Mass production cannot replace everything in the world. Obviously what the world needs is more sex, violence, drugs, and art. We vainly try to cling to our existence because of our greed for life, and yet we deny ourselves the experiences of life.

We wear the mask of rationality so much that we forget what we look like underneath the mask. We cannot erase years of evolution, we are still human, and we have needs. And yet society as a whole, and government, denies that we have needs. This is just more of man attempting to erase his animal and replace it with dogma, he will always fail at this because we are still animals. Rather than look for socially acceptable outlets for these emotions, we repress these needs. And so, consumer goods are made which feed off of our needs. They are still against social norms, even though a large percent of the population uses them. No matter how far society advances, we will still be mammals. Humans can never escape it's chains to mammals without becoming something that is not human.

So why is it against our social norms to be human? We view the people who break these rules people as primitive, uncivilized, and foolish individuals because they let go, but I believe society also envies them. They are free thinking individuals. The individuals which break free some these social norms prove that they can think for themselves, without influence society, church, or government influencing their decisions and thoughts.

So why all of this denial of our emotions, and our sexuality? Why must be repress our own sexuality in society? Sex is important to the survival of the species, it's up there with eating Vicodin and drinking Jack Daniels. So why is that you can get in trouble for talking about sex, but not eating? We repress our own desires, but allow a growing amount of sex in the media. We are given a mass produced product to gratify our desires, rather than the real thing.

It's because our social norms are built off of old traditions. Rather than thinking logically about our traditions, we just accept them and it becomes part of us. Poor sexual education, for starters, is one of the problems that come from these traditions. There is plenty of sexual education programs in schools in America, but this hasn't stopped our social norms from having a greater effect on youth. Sexual education is more than a classroom course. These programs are working so well that the poor are reproducing like bunny rabbits; propaganda of this type doesn't work when it conflicts with social norms. America has become so cluttered in tradition that it's social norm's makes as much sense as putting on a bullet proof vest then shooting yourself in the head.

Violence and competition is also in our nature, but you won't see us admitting to it. If you listen to the P.S.A.'s they'll say violence is not the solution, instead call a hotline. It's mass manufactured propaganda, they always say the same things. I've called them before, it's like a broken record. "No, no, don't do it." Finally I got tired of it and cussed him out for 5 minutes. He just kept repeating himself. You know what I found out? The prick at the end of the line just turned on a recording and got a sandwich and a hooker. That is how much the government cares. It's just politicians trying to make the tax paying middle class feel better.

Bush's new "War On Pornography", for example, is an attempt to stop hardcore pornography that has no artistic merit. Rather than admitting that humans have sexual desires that must be satisfied in one way or another, the government just tries to destroy the effects, and represses some individual rights smile.gif It is much like smashing someone in the gut with a steel rod because he has a cough. And I bet you wonder why the world wants more Vicodin. It may not solve the growing number of mental illnesses in our society, but it is a start.

I would like to leave you with a verse from our lord's book, for you to reflect on: "There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses." Ezekiel 23:20

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