Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Thoughts Of A Hitman

Thoughts on the personality of a "Hitman" Character:

I am a professional predator. I consider death to be an art. Some people are artists, I am more of a salesman. Some people are in this line of work because they love their boss more than their own family, but I am just a humble businessman. No expects a 5 3 humble Japanese man in a suit to be of any danger. They live and perceive the world through social norms, and constantly rely on the herd This is my greatest advantage. The new age predators no longer kill for meat, instead they have the meat do their work for them.

We wear the mask of rationality so much that we forget what we look like under the mask. We have to hide behind the facade of social normality. We do this because being in the herd increases our own chances of survival. Being in a group, and working together increases our own chances of survival, so we attempt to control our instincts in order to increase our own chances of survival. Beneath this mask is a unique human animal, but in order to fit into the society we have to put on the facade. The better the person mirrors the group, the more that person fits in, and the more that persons own survival is increased during times of turbulence. We can peer underneath the mask during disaster to see what humans really look like, we can see how their own self interest really works. The truth, beyond social norms, is that the herd deceives one another to survive.

Naturally I believe there is a desire to be in a group embedded in all of us, the cohesion elements left over from many years of evolution. But the self interest will always seem to be more important than the group.

Altruism, in any form, is just an extension of self interest. It does not matter if it is a favor that you want paid back later, if your doing it because of your own values, or doing it because you made a connection with someone, self interest rules us all. We make connections with people because we see something of ourselves in them, extensions of our own ego. This gives us the desire to help them.

We allow ourselves be dominated so that we may live, enjoy a sense of security, and have a sense of purpose.

But, the herd does not realize that the predators also wear masks. Because of the diversity of our western society, any human can be accepted into society. Any predator can put on a lambskin and take his fair share of the world. The meat of the sheep has now been replaced by a new meat, money. And, the herd is used by predators to make this money. Just as predators can wear the mask of sheep, sheep can wear the masks of predators. The real thugs of the world don't need to wear fake gold chains and baggy pants to be thugs.

People will beat you to death all day long with their morals, justice, and other concepts that they do not fully understand. The most often last words that I hear amounts to something like "It's not fair!", or "I'm to young, I still have a lot to live for".

The reality is there is no fairness in life. I find that there are not truly twisted or insane humans, just disorganized ones. That is to say, the base human instinct stays the same in all humans, but the ways in which it is repressed and controlled changes, and creates a different type of person. This can be altered, but only at the own persons will of doing so. And, that morals do exist. We could simply say that no moral laws exist, but if I live my life by a moral law, then it must exist. So, I shall conclude that there is no tangible moral law, no morals are universal laws, like gravity. Morals are something that dwells in the subjective human mind.

Anyone that takes a look at the justice system can also see it is flawed. From the executions of innocent men, to the human judges who judge by their own bias, to the police force which enforce the law the way they see it should be enforced. Of course, every society needs the fear that the justice system creates to keep themselves in line, and a false sense of security that comes with thinking you are safe. This begs the question are we actually safer in our herd?

When dealing with people, I see many of them try to justify their own instincts by doing things that are socially acceptable. I see very often in police, who justify their own behavior and actions through social norms. Murder is justice when the person goes against a social norm. It is not the fact of what the people did that is so repelling, death happens all the time, but that the person went against social norms, and the false sense of security is gone. Being exposed to the harsh truth of reality is frightening, if you have been seeing things through the sugar coated eyes of the herd.

Don't get the wrong idea about me, I do see things in gray. Dominate or be dominated seems rather black and white, and most people are doing a little of both. But a few people are on top of the money food chain, and these people are the best and brightest predators. These people may battle others, but they are never hunted. There is a difference between being hunted and fighting another predator.

To some of you this may seem a little like doom and gloom, but I see it as the natural order of things. Self interest and our different talents and motivation make sure that we will always be competing and dominating one another. Even though we can control our own instinct, I believe our own instinct still controls our thinking to such a degree that we cannot all live forever without reverting into self interest. Life is a struggle, and the people who seek safety will never be totally safe from conflict. Perhaps our instincts is our destiny that drives and us and cannot be changed, and our intellect is the freewill that can control part of the destiny.

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